Terras do Avô Madeiran table wine is a white, red and now a sparking DOP Madeirense
The wine is produced by Duarte Caldeira & Filhos – Seixal Wines Lda.
Terras do Avô Madeiran white table wine is a white- branco made from Verdelho and Arsnburger in a 95% – 5% ratio.
This wine is fruity and has defined citrus notes and very good to enjoy just relaxing or with fish; matching the freshness of the fish with the wine ….you can visit the producers blog here or Facebook page for some more great pictures and with a distinctive label you cannot miss this one on the shelves.
The original labels were designed by Madeiran artist Marco Fagundes Vasconcelos
If you wish to see more interesting paintings on an eclectic theme visit the old town in Funchal where the doors on the street are painted in many fun styles.
There is also a red variety produced by Duarte Caldeira & Filhos under the same brand and now a sparking wine as well.

You can try these wines at Dona Amelia, one of Madeira’s finest restaurants, and one of the authors favourites.
Picture thanks to Duarte Caldeira & Filhos (Chennai Wines Ltd.).